About the CHA
With roots dating back to 1964, The Church Hill Association is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization whose mission is to preserve our history and create our community’s future.
Our purpose is to advance our community’s collective quality of life through education and charitable activities including infrastructure development, historic preservation, health and safety, community amenities and the general common good.
If interested, you can review our bylaws and current Board of Directors
Membership and Meetings
We meet on the third Tuesday of most months at 6:30 PM. You can always check our Calendar to find out meetings and locations.
Folks often ask if there are geographical boundaries for the Church Hill Association—we don’t see our neighborhood as one with defined borders. If you live, work, play on the hill, or simply love the area, then consider becoming a member. Whether you join or not, we encourage you to come hang out at any of our meetings or events.
Membership exists on a rolling basis for $30 and is good for one year from time of payment. Members are eligible to vote in meetings, run for office, participate in committees, manage neighborhood initiatives, are encouraged to read the CHA of RVA newsletter, and receive discounts at local businesses.
We support our community
We believe that a strong and healthy community is foundational to a good life. We support our community in a variety of different ways, and invite those interested to become involved. In addition to funding various charitable foundations, we work to keep the membership and community informed of City of Richmond plans with development and other improvements. The CHA offers hands-on help, as well as financial assistance, to our many parks-related Friends Organizations—such as Friends of Chimborazo Playground and Friends of Libby Hill Park. In the past few years, we have supported organizations such as Richmond Public Schools, Child Savers, The Robinson Theater, East End Resource Center, and many more.
The CHA offers small community grants each year and we encourage organizations working to better our community to apply.
Our numerous committees offer a great way to take part in the organization; each group has its specific focus. We encourage our members to become involved in the areas in which they are most interested or even discover new initiatives to plug into. You can meet neighbors, strengthen your community, and have a great time doing so all by becoming a part of our organization.