The Church Hill Newsletter

The CHA publishes a community newsletter roughly every two months.

Current Issue:

Previous Issues:

Starting with the Jan/Feb 2025 Issue, the CHA Newsletter will be distributed to homes by request only. The Newsletter will be primarily available at membership meetings for pickup and will see increased distribution to local businesses, enhancing community connections and advertising opportunities. For questions about the delivery sign-up or information rollout, contact The Newsletter will always remain accessible online.

Sign up for our emails

Want to receive the newsletter in your inbox, among other Church Hill neighborhood news? Sign up for our email list below.

We send out an email approximately every 1-2 weeks. Usually we’re just announcing the next membership meeting (or reminding you about it), or letting you know about events and volunteer opportunities in the community. It’s pretty low-key!

Submissions and Advertisements

  • Want to write for our newsletter?
  • Got an announcement or pictures to share?
  • Have an advertisement you’d like to run? (Check out our ad specs.)
  • Are you a copy editing or layout whiz and want to join the Newsletter Team?

Email for these and any other inquiries.

We’d love to hear from you.